Orange Day - a day to take action to raise awareness and prevent violence against women and girls on Monday, September 25th 2017 !Violence against Older women
Wear Orange by walking and running
to support the fight Violence Against Women and girls
Save the date and the place to be “Orange Day - a day to take action to raise awareness and prevent violence against women and girls ” on Monday, 25th 2017;) Supported by Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur :,, Ronning Against Cancer., and Ronning Against Cancer
Hi dearest readers ;)
Today is Orange Day.
Take action to Orange your day on Monday, September 25th 2017 !!!
This Orange Day, 25 September 2017, the UNiTE Campaign focuses on Violence against Older women.
For this Orange Day, 25 September 2017, the UNiTE Campaign has teamed up with AARP to put a spotlight on the issue of Violence against Older Women, recognizing that women remain at risk for violence throughout their lives.
Physical, sexual and psychological violence, financial exploitation, neglect and other forms of violence against older women are widespread yet mostly hidden. It occurs in multiple, oftenintersecting forms by varying perpetrators, including intimate partners or spouses, family members, caregivers (both in and outside of institutional settings), or members of their community. 1
Older women face a greater risk of physical and psychological abuse than older men due to discriminatory societal attitudes and the non-realization of the human rights of women. Despite policies and programmes adopted by many countries at the national level, reports of incidents of violence against older women have grown at an alarming rate.2 Some harmful traditional and customary practices, such as the denial of land inheritance rights to widows 3, result in abuse and violence directed at older women, often exacerbated by poverty and lack of access to legal protection. 4 Recent findings5 draw specific attention to incidents of violence and murder of older women following accusations of witchcraft acts embedded in customs and social structures that render older women as targets of their own families and communities. In many countries, institutions established to provide care for older women and men are not managed properly and low standards of care go unchecked. 6
A major challenge in addressing violence against older women is the lack of reliable, comprehensive data, particularly in vulnerable settings, such as conflict areas or disaster zones, or from marginalized populations, such as immigrant and refugee older women, older women with disabilities, indigenous older women, LBT older women, and others. One of the few prevalence studies to focus on violence and abuse against older women was conducted in five European Union countries. Results of this study showed that 28% of older women reported experiencing some form of abuse in the previous year (neglect, emotional, financial, physical, sexual, and/or “violation of rights”). Emotional abuse was the highest-reported category, with 24% reporting this type of abuse in the home in the previous 12 months. 7
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its commitment to leave no one behind holds promise for greater inclusion of older women. However, this can only be achieved through extending data collection on women subjected to physical and/or sexual violence from the upper age limit of 49 years, which stems from a traditional focus on women in reproductive age, to the age 50 and beyond. Regardless of their age, all women are entitled to a life free from violence and its consequences. Any measure taken to achieve Goal 5 and eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls must include older women—this means including older women in prevention, response, and data collection efforts to monitor prevalence and progress on relevant Goal 5 targets and indicators.
1 Brief on Violence Against Women, Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Resource Guide, p. 5
2 UNDESA (2015) Report of the Secretary-General “Follow-up to the International Year of Older Persons: Second World
Assembly on Ageing” A/70/185
3 “You Will Get Nothing”- Violations of Property and Inheritance Rights of Widows in Zimbabwe, Human Rights Watch(2017).
4 Political Declaration and Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, United Nations, Paragraph 38
5 UNDESA (2013) Report of the Secretary-General “Follow-up to the International Year of Older Persons: Second World
Assembly on Ageing”
6 The World’s Women 2015, Chapter 6, p. 148
7 Prevalence Study of Abuse and Violence against Older Women: Results of a Multi-cultural Survey Conducted inAustria, Belgium, Finland, Lithuania, and Portugal, Finland: National Institute of Health and Welfare (THL)
Ronning Against Cancer and The Adventures of Ronald Tintin take action to Orange Day
Super Professeur, The Adventyres of Ronald Tintin, The Diary of Sublima and Ronning Against Cancer take action to “Orange Day” by wearing the orange T-shirt during a great long walking on Monday, September 25th 2017!!!
Great motivation with wellness to support the fight to stop violence against women and girls.
Have a nice Autumn day on Monday, August 25th 2017 ! J
What is Orange Day ?
The UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign, managed by UN Women, has proclaimed every 25th of the month as “Orange Day” – a day to take action to raise awareness and prevent violence against women and girls.
Initiated and led by the UNiTE campaign Global Youth Network, Orange Day calls upon activists, governments and UN partners to mobilize people and highlight issues relevant to preventing and ending violence against women and girls, not only once a year, on 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women), but every month.
Take action to this Orange Day
Policymakers & practitioners, take
a look at this policy brief by UNDP: Leave No
One Behind: Ageing,
Gender, and the SDGs. It provides guidance on what can be
done to integrate both a gender and ageing lens in policy and programming to
implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including greater
attention to older women survivors of gender-basedviolence.
Civil society organizations working
with women and girls, particularly on gender-based violence, can commit to
increasing the visibility of older survivors by using age-inclusive language in
materials and programming, as well as featuring images of older women in
public-facing products. For example, framing gender-based violence as a rights
violation that occurs “across the lifespan/life cycle” or calling for the
empowerment of women and girls “of allages.”
Organize an awareness-raising event
or activity in your community center to spark a
conversation on elder abuse, and late-life intimate partner and sexual
violence. This toolkit provides
useful tips and resources to support you in organizing yourevent!
a retirement home in your localcommunity.
year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence are
coming up. Join us in oranging the world
and start planning our activity ideas. Visit our website
for more information on how to get involved in the Orange
the Worldcampaign.
Useful resources
The Violence
against Women and Girls (VAWG) Resource Guide Brief on Violence against Older Women, a
collaboration among World Bank Group,
Global Women's Institute at George Washington University, Inter-American
Development Bank, and the International Center for Research on Women addresses
older age as a risk factor for gender-motivated violence by providing attention
to women survivors aged 50 and older. It includes promising practices for
development professionals to consider in their work to increase awareness of,
and attention to, violence against olderwomen.
2010, the Committee on the Elimination
of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) adopted its General
Recommendation No. 27 on older women and protection of
their human rights. Issues relatedtosocialpensions,adequatehousing,accesstoeducation,aswellasconsentinrelationto health or the right to inherit are
addressed in this recommendation and compel states parties to address multiple
discrimination against olderwomen.
“Victims of elder abuse are more
likely to be female and to have a physical disability, be care- dependent, have
poor physical or mental health, or both; have low income, and lack social
support,” states the Aging and
Health report by the World
Health Organization (WHO) and outlines a framework for action to foster
This toolkit, by
the International Network for the
Prevention of Elder Abuse, provides illustrative resources and sample
forms, and links to other organizations to help plan awareness-raising
activities and other events on elderabuse.
The Women,
Ageing and Health Framework for Action, a joint
publication by WHO and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), addresses
the health status and factors that influence women’s health at midlife and older
ages with a focus on gender. It provides guidance on how policymakers,
practitioners, non-governmental organizations and civil society can improve the
health and wellbeing of ageing women by simultaneously applying both a gender
and an ageing lens in their policies, programmes and practices, as well as inresearch.
Orange Day 2017 action themes:
September 2017 : Violence against older women
August 2017 : Violence against women in humanitarian crises
July 2017: Cyber violence against women
June 2017: Violence against women and girl refugees
May 2017: Mobilizing Resources to End Violence against Women and Girls
April 2017: Mobilizing Resources to End Violence against Women and Girls
March 2017 : Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities
February 2017: Violence Against Women and Girls and Women’s Economic Empowerment
To know more about Orange Day :
Ronald Tintin, Founder of the project “Ronning Against Cancer” to support the fight against cancer and raise funds for the research : “Together, we can get rid of cancer”.
Connect with us :
Breast Cancer Awareness - Let’s support the Fight Against Breast Cancer and raise funds!Supported by the project Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur, Marina Nival , and Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin